Historical Fashion & Performance Maven
Exploring history through fashion, music, and the arts, one era at a time.

Eliza holds her BA in art history from Rosemont College with a focus in the socio-economic aspects of fashion in late 18th century America and Europe. She applies her studies to recreate high fashions that started revolutions using the seeming mundane activities such as getting dressed and taking tea to highlight women’s active place in politics. She is a mezzo-soprano who enjoys singing pieces from comic operas and popular music from the 18th century with passion. Using recipes from historical treatises on cosmetics and hair, Eliza busts myths on historical hygiene with humor and enthusiasm making history just a little easier to understand. Eliza is an actress who portrays various historical women such as Eliza Hamilton and Theda Bara to give a unique perspective on history not regularly considered. With elegant historical teas and dances, Eliza shares the sights, sounds, tastes, and scents of history bridging the gap between the past and the present.
Eliza has spent eight years working at the Library Company of Burlington running the children’s STEAM and LEGO programs working with children of all ages preparing them for a bright future.